~Tie Fighter Battle 2, Mission 4 tips. I'm on Battle 2 mission 4 (I think) where you have to disable 2 shuttles carrying leaders of the 2 factions of a civil war. My problem is that one of the shuttles never appears so I just can't complete the mission. A lot of other people are stuck in the same place. Here's some tips that I've picked up off TheNet (mail). Assign the flight leader & Omega turns to mem locations. Assist leader attacking & disabling shuttle then fly past & inspect. Turn & inspect second shuttle after the other TIE team disables it. Engage nearby Z-95. When your flight group overtakes the Phantele, switch to ion cannons increase recharge rate & disable it. Your wingmen disable the nearby Keydon. Switch to lasers & dogfight the Z-95 group Adam. When Z-95s are all gone switch to missiles & engage the escort shuttles. When the Keydon & Phantele are disables 2 cargo ferries appear at about 8 km. When you're sure Omega 1 is sage drop laser & shield recharge rates to zero & head for the Godendag at full speed (135). Transfer energy form the laser to she shields to stay protected. After inspecting ferries attacj from directly behind (where they can't fire back at you) & destory them. On your way back to command ship inspect the crs Falaricae.